Picture of the blogger, Tuve Floden

I’m thrilled to welcome you to the blog Other Things, where we’ll discuss lesser known people, places, and things from Middle Eastern culture and history.

As I mention on the About page, this blog will touch on famous cities, music, books, historical sites, restaurants, movies and more, before diving deeper to explore lesser known examples in these categories.

With my background in Middle Eastern Studies and my years living and working in the region, I’m eager to discuss the wealth and breadth of Middle Eastern culture. And there’s so much to see — from Morocco to Iran, Turkey to Sudan, and everything in between.

Read my first post here, a piece about Roman ruins in Jordan. Join the discussion by commenting on this site, following me on Twitter, or reaching out through the Contact page. I love hearing your thoughts and ideas.

And, of course, look for more posts to come soon!